Tag: Lazarus

LAMW 0.8 Ubuntu 18.04 Installation Guide

This Lazarus Android Module Wizard 0.8 Ubuntu 18.04 Installation Guide has been tested on: Ubuntu Mate 18.04 64-bit Lazarus 1.8.4 64-bit GTK2 FPC 3.0.4 Lazarus Android Module Wizard 0.8 revision 754 This installation uses the combination of these software: Android NDK Revision 11c Android SDK Tools 25.2.5 (SDK API25) OpenJDK 8 Subversion, Android adb, Ant   Before Start Installing You need to have Lazarus and FPC installed that have the ability to do cross compiling. […]

Furious Paladin Tutorials

This page will have tutorials of how to create game using Lazarus + Allegro.pas. History: – 31 July 2017, RC3 – Fix background audio issue – 18 July 2017, RC2 – Double sized window on large screen – 18 July 2017, RC2 – Use ctrl keys instead of shift keys – 10 July 2017, RC1 – Use 60 fixed fps This download is RC2. For Linux 64-bit Users You need to have liballegro5.2 package installed. […]